Benefits of securing an IEC spot through an IRCC Recognized Organization Guaranteed Invitation

Benefits of IEC participations with a Recognized Organizations: Guaranteed Invitation

Getting an IEC WP through the regular IEC program involves creating an IEC profile and then waiting for an invitation to apply (ITA). The ease of getting ITAs varies from IEC eligible nation to nation. It is a lottery based system and your odds are much better if you are an Aussie in comparison to a Chilean, for example. Australians enjoy an unlimited quota, and even if you miss out on one draw you’ll likely be picked in the next one.

Chilean youths have a quota of 725 spots for the 2024 season, and demand for these spots far outstrips supply. After the 2024 IEC season opened on December 11, 2023 (candidates were allowed to create profiles beginning on this date), 2288 Chileans had already created profiles by December 15, 2023, when IRCC provided their weekly update. These candidates are all eagerly waiting for the first round draw to take place on January 8, 2024. More Chileans are set to enter the pool of applicants before the first round of draws.

Below is a screenshot of IRCC’s IEC Rounds of Invitations for Chileans, in case you’re interested:


As you can imagine, the wait for Chileans to get an invitation to apply can be long and unpredictable.

A couple of years ago I was contacted by a Chilean in the Sea to Sky who had entered Canada as a visitor. They were looking to get a Labour Market Impact Assessment based work permit through a local company because they weren’t able to get an IEC invitation to apply through the regular IEC program.

An RO participation can bypass this potential roadblock and help you better plan your future albeit having to pay an RO participation fee.

As long as I have Premium Access Spots left over from International Rural Exchange Canada and you meet the screening eligibility in an initial consultation, you can be sure you’ll get an invitation to apply. Invitations usually come on Thursdays, or occasionally Fridays.

If you need further clarifications regarding guaranteed invitation, get in touch with me for a consultation to see how I can help.

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